Exotic sugar bouquet

Contents 03h 21min
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Whats inside

🌴 Unusual flowers

Peonies, roses, tulips... These flowers have already become classics of sugar floristry. And what about making exotic jade vine, eryngium, plumeria, monstera and passionflower? Get a chance to surprise your customers!

🌿 Sugar greenery

In order to add volume and completeness to a flower bouquet, florists recommend not neglecting greenery. In this master class, you will have the opportunity to learn how to make several types of exotic greens at once.

🎨 Natural shades

Emerald, burgundy, deep green, light blue, aquamarine, turquoise, yellowish... Sonds like a wonderful color combination, don't you think so?

💐 Light and volumnious bouquet

The sugar florist will share some secrets of making a composition large anf light at the same time. Proper amount of greenery, thin elements and bright shades - learn how to apply all these points.

📐 Templates and drawings

Get the ready-made drawings in PDF format. This will make your work easier and save time.

What's in the class

1Tools description

Watch what tools and instruments you'll need to make sugar flowers and leaves.

2Sugar Plumeria

The miniature flowers of the tropical Plumeria tree look light and elegant. Bright yellow elements will definitely make your exotic bouquet more unique and realistic.

3Sugar Ruscus

Ruscus is made in the simplest way. Moreover, you don't need any complicated devices and tools.

4Sugar Eryngium

Eryngium is a versatile version of an exotic flower for both women's and men's cakes. It looks original and a little unusual. A beautiful blue shade will perfectly complement our flower composition.

5Sugar Passionflower (2 parts)

One of the central elements of our bouquet will be Passionflower. In the first part, you will see the process of making all the elements of a flower, except for the petals. The second part will be devoted to the petals and the process of dyeing and assembling passionflower.

6Sugar Bauhinia

Since Bauhinia is one of the subspecies of the orchid, this flower will also be assembled according to the orchid principle: head, arms, legs and body.

7Sugar Monstera

It is difficult to imagine a more unique and memorable type of greenery. There is no other plant as bizarre with such unusual, elaborately cut leaves.

8Sugar Passionflower leaf

This is a basic cinquefoil that does not require special tools and skills. You can even use any veiner with a light texture.

9Sugar Jade vine

This is the only plant in the world that has such an unusual shape and color of flowers. Just imagine learning how to make this impressive plant with blue-green claw-shaped flowers!

10Sugar exotic bouquet assembly

Learn how to create a volumnious composition that will look exquisite and rich at the same time.

Evgeniya Bocharova, an experienced master of sugar floristry, shares a series of 11 episodes on making an unusual exotic bouquet. Tropical, bright and light - that's what it turns out like.

Each of the flowers looks great separately, but together they make an amazing impression!


  • shade the flowers and greens, so that all the elements of the composition look realistic;
  • make petals of various shapes and sizes from fondant;
  • create sugar buds, stamens, petals, pestles and leaves;
  • add volume and completeness to a flower composition;
  • assemble a bouquet properly - not only sugar one, but also a live one.